I recently got asked to make a presentation at CopyCon, Australia’s only copywriting conference. I’m pretty excited about this, I love getting up on stage (hello former drama nerd!) and one of my goals over the past few years is to show more leadership in this space. So I’m chuffed to be presenting on one of my favourite topics to a room full of copywriters, marketing managers and writers.

Sink or Swim: How to thrive in your first few years as a freelance copywriter

When we start our freelance businesses, many of us stand shivering on the side of the pool not sure where to start. The truth is, you just need to jump in.

Using swimming as an analogy, I will explain the steps to help a new copywriter overcome their fears and take the leap. I will run through the potential problems they might face in the first few years and provide actionable tips to help them not just tread water, but truly swim as a freelance copywriter.

Session Take-outs:

  • Feel the confidence to take the leap into copywriting
  • How to get work opportunities
  • Where to find mentors and support people
  • What to do when things get tough
  • Define goals and answer why copywriting?

Want to know more?

CopyCon is on 15th October at the Kirribilli Club in North Sydney (side note, it was also where I got married in 2010). If you’d like to come, you can buy tickets here. Not in Sydney? No dramas, there are virtual tickets for only $97 so you can watch live or on replay whenever you want.

Hope to see you there!